Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Differences between Trotskyism & Stalinism, Communists & Anarchists, and Why a Socialist & a Communist Are the Same Thing

The Differences between Trotskyism & Stalinism, Communists & Anarchists, and Why a Socialist & a Communist Are the Same Thing

An Interview with Wolf Larsen
from the book Capitalism Sucks! 

Question: So what is the difference between Trotskyism and Stalinism?
Answer: It all goes back to the Russian Revolution.  Lenin and Trotsky were the leaders of the October Revolution in 1917 in Russia.  Stalin only played a minor role in the October Revolution.  Later, things became very difficult in the Soviet Union.  The country was isolated.  An attempted workers revolution in Germany in 1919 failed.  As time went on the communists like Trotsky who lead the revolution became increasingly isolated within the Soviet Union, and the bureaucracy began to usurp power from the workers and the communists.  This bureaucracy wanted to defend its privileged interests, and Joseph Stalin became their leader.  Lenin in his Last Will and Testament warns about the increasing power of the bureaucracy and their leader Joseph Stalin.  Anyway, Joseph Stalin and the bureaucracy imprisoned, exiled, murdered, and sent off to Siberia the very communists who had led the October Revolution in 1917.  Leon Trotsky was one of those murdered by the Stalinists.  Trotskyists look to the October Revolution in Russia as a shining example of how the working class can liberate itself from the capitalist system.  Stalinism, on the other hand, has degenerated into a bizarre multitude of different sects.  Some of these sects are outright reformist, like the "Communist" Party USA.  The "Communist" Party USA fosters illusions in the Democrats.  The endlessly criticize the Republicans, but say little about the Democrats.  The Stalinist "Communist" Party USA is basically a left-wing auxiliary of the Democratic Party.  How pathetic!  Another branch of Stalinism is Maoism.  I'll tell you one thing, you never know what those crazy Maoists are going to do!

Q. So explain to us about Maoism.
A.  Some of the Maoists foster illusions in the Democrats by pushing an anti-Republican agenda.  They don't necessarily say vote for the Democrats but basically they only criticize the Republicans.  They hardly criticize the Democrats at all.  Other Maoists zig-zag from the left to the right and back again – that is that their politics are all over the place.  You never know what crazy irresponsible adventure the Maoists might jump into next.  Perhaps this is partly because Chairman Mao was a bit of an adventurer himself, and many of his adventures caused the Chinese people to suffer horribly.

Q. But didn't Mao lead the Chinese people into a successful revolution?
A.  It was a successful revolution in the sense that the bourgeoisie was overthrown and Chang Kai-shek and his bloody ruthless Kuomintang were kicked out of mainland China.  Kicking the Chinese bourgeoisie out of mainland China helped the Chinese people have a better standard of living.  All of that is wonderful!  However, because Mao and his organization were Stalinist the Chinese people never enjoyed a workers democracy.  Stalinists are not very big on democracy.  In Stalinist countries you have a privileged bureaucracy that live like parasites off the workers state.  You don't have a workers democracy in Stalinist countries.  Besides that, Mao unleashed two horrible idiotic adventures called the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.  The Great Leap Forward was an attempt to bypass the five-year plans that had been giving China growth rates of 10% a year.

Q. The five-year plans was giving China growth rates of 10% a year?!
A.  That's correct.  Long before China opened its doors to foreign corporations there was 10% growth rates a year under the five-year plans.  China's economy was doing very well.  In spite of the fact that the Chinese economy was doing well Mao decided to have this "Great Leap Forward" thing where he threw the five-year plans and the planned economy in the garbage, and he substituted a bunch of crazy irresponsible adventurous nonsense that temporarily ruined the Chinese economy.  For this, the Chinese bureaucracy and the other Stalinist hacks in the party basically pushed Mao aside and implemented the five-year plans again and that's when the Chinese economy began to pick up steam again and growth rates reached 10% again.  Anyway, Mao didn't like being isolated on the sidelines (at this point he was basically a figurehead without the power he had before) so Mao unleashed the Cultural Revolution in order to get into power again.

Q. So Mao unleashed the Cultural Revolution as a cynical power grab?
A.  That's correct.  The Cultural Revolution caused all kinds of havoc in China.  Plenty of people needlessly suffered.  Meanwhile, it was the 1960s and from abroad the Cultural Revolution grabbed the interests of radicals around the world.  Certainly the Cultural Revolution was a lot more interesting than anything going on in the Soviet Union at the time.  But the Cultural Revolution for those who experienced it was interesting in a very bad way.  But from abroad the Cultural Revolution and its slogans and Mao's little red book grabbed a lot of interest.

Q. So that's how a lot of the Maoist groups around the world were born?
A.  Yes.  So basically a lot of these Maoist groups were born or inspired by all of the craziness of the Cultural Revolution and that crazy adventurer Mao and not surprisingly a lot of Maoist groups can be described as just plain crazy.  But at least they're not terrorists – they don't engage in terrorism – thank goodness.  It's not impossible that some Maoist group might lead a workers revolution someday, because there are some Maoist groups that do not push illusions in the Democrats and other reformist parties.  However, I would hope that a Trotskyist party would lead the revolution instead of a Maoist one, because Trotskyists are much more responsible and disciplined.  And remember, the October Revolution in Russia in 1917 was very responsible and disciplined.  Amongst other things it was relatively free of bloodshed.  The bloodshed did not come until later when the Soviet Union was invaded by a number of imperialist armies, and the counterrevolutionary White forces caused a lot of violence and suffering and loss of lives.  Capitalist countries like the United States aided the counterrevolutionaries with armaments.  Also, a workers state under Trotskyism would be far better.  Maoists are basically adventurous Stalinists, and like all the Stalinists they tend to be very uptight about sex.  And like I said earlier Stalinists are not big fans of workers democracy.  Trotskyists want workers democracy.

Q. But I've noticed that there are a confusing variety of different groups calling themselves Trotskyist.  How does one sort it all out?
A.  Most so-called Trotskyist groups are reformist – they are Trotskyists in name only.  These reformist so-called "Trotskyist" groups basically push illusions in the Democrats or some other reformist party.  They seek an alliance with some "progressive" wing of the bourgeoisie.  There is no such thing as a quote unquote progressive wing of the bourgeoisie.  Leon Trotsky was the co-leader of the Bolshevik Revolution with Lenin.  Real Trotskyists want to repeat the October Revolution of 1917 all over the world.  That is what Trotskyism is.  Trotskyists do not push illusions in reformist leaders or reformist movements or reformist parties.  Trotskyists might work with reformist organizations to stop fascist groups like the KKK or the neo-Nazis from marching, Trotskyists might march alongside other reformist groups on a picket line, Trotskyists might defend reformists from government repression.  But while doing all these things Trotskyists always maintain their political independence.  Trotskyists never push illusions in a reformist leader or reformist movement or reformist party.  Real Trotskyists understand that the bourgeoisie state must be smashed, and replaced with a workers state.  A Trotskyist understands that there are two classes – the bourgeoisie and the working class – and you're on one side or you're on the other.  

Q. A lot of academic socialists would say that all sounds like a bunch of empty slogans.  What do you think of academic socialists and their sophisticated analysis of Marxism?
A.  It depends on the academic.  There are some academics who genuinely believe in workers revolution, but many of these so-called "socialist" academics do not believe in workers revolution.  Some of these "socialist" academic types love to play with dialectical materialism and all that endlessly with no practical purpose, and it's a bit like masturbation.  It's a bit like contemplating your navel.  These academics can contemplate their navels all they want.  The Trotskyists will be leading the working class to revolution.  Anyone who is a true Marxist is therefore a true Trotskyist.  To be a Marxist you have to be a Trotskyist.  To be a Leninist you have to be a Trotskyist.  Remember, Trotsky was the co-leader of the October Revolution with Lenin.  And Trotsky led the resistance to Stalin.  Stalin polluted everything Lenin and Marx stood for.  Academic drivel that has no practical use is just that – drivel.  However, academics who want to be useful can use their knowledge for practical purposes, like helping the working class achieve a revolution.  A real socialist academic will write and agitate with the purpose of helping the working class achieve state power through revolution, or at least his writings will help the struggles of workers in some way, perhaps by chronicling the history of workers struggles for example. 

Q. What do you say about people who claim to be Marxist, but who say they are not Leninist or Trotskyist?
A.  What a bunch of nonsense!  It was Lenin and Trotsky who put Marxist ideas into practice in the October Revolution of 1917.  Therefore to be a Marxist you must also be a Leninist and a Trotskyist.  Generally speaking, people who say they are "Marxist" but renounce Leninism and Trotskyism are people who enjoy playing with Marxism the same way that some academics enjoy playing with it.  However, in a practical sense they are against the workers smashing the bourgeoisie through revolution.  In other words, they are against the practical application of Marxism, they just want to play around with Marxism.

Q. What do you think of anarchy?
A. Anarchy is complete naïveté, because the anarchists want to do away with the state.  If the working class has no state – that is, it has no armed bodies of men with which to defend itself – then the bourgeoisie and their henchmen will slaughter the workers just as they have done infinite times in the past when the workers rebelled.  Anarchy sets the workers up to die.

Q. But don't Marxists believes that the state will fade away gradually under communism?
A.  In a very far distant future perhaps.  But remember right after workers revolution the bourgeoisie are going to be pissed off that all their wealth was taken away from them and used for things like education, public transportation, a cure for AIDS, etc. The former bourgeoisie is not going to be too happy about waking up in the morning and going to work, which is something that a lot of them don't have to do under capitalism.  And no doubt some of these bourgeoisie may have stashed away loads of money in secret places.  They might be in a position to finance counterrevolution.  No doubt many of their former henchmen may still be around and more than happy to help the former bourgeoisie try to reestablish their power through violent means.  So in order to stop the former bourgeoisie and their henchmen from making a violent counterrevolution there will have to be a workers state so that the working class has the means to defend itself.  In addition, there may be other countries that will still be capitalist for a while, so a workers state will have to have a military in order to defend itself against the possibility of being invaded by capitalist countries intent on restoring the bourgeoisie to power.  Therefore, as long as there is the threat of counterrevolution or being invaded the workers must have a state to defend themselves.

Q. What is the difference between a socialist and a communist?
A.  There is no difference – they are the same thing.  A socialist is a communist and a communist is a socialist.  After the workers revolution there will be socialism.  Socialism is a transitory stage between capitalism and communism.  Communism is a very advanced stage of economic development.  I doubt that any of us will live long enough to see communism.  However, after a workers revolution we can enjoy socialism.  Under socialism everyone will have the right to a job, we will double the minimum wage, there will be free quality medical care and child care, and after capitalism has been wiped off the face of the earth there will be no more war.  That's socialism.  Since the workers revolution will bring about socialism and in the distant future communism that means socialists and communists are the same thing.  Socialists are communists and communists are socialists.

Q. I thought that socialists were more like what has occurred in some Western European countries, and communism is more like what has happened in the Soviet Union and China.
A.  Neither socialism or communism has ever been achieved on the planet earth so far.  What occurred in the Soviet Union and in China is Stalinism, and Stalinism is neither socialism nor communism.  What occurred in Western Europe is not socialism either, what occurred in Western Europe is more like capitalism with a safety net.  The workers in Western Europe fought very hard for their safety net.  That's how they got it.  The only way to achieve socialism is to have a workers revolution.  People who advocate a workers revolution are socialists and communists.  A socialist is a communist and a communist is a socialist.  The terms are interchangeable.

Trotskyism vs. Stalinism from my YouTube channel SucksCapitalism:

Marxism vs. Anarchy from my YouTube channel SucksCapitalism:

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