Thursday, January 16, 2020

Defend Immigrants! Immigrants Should Have All the Same Rights As Native-Born Citizens!

Defend Immigrants!  Immigrants Should Have All the Same Rights As Native-Born Citizens!
An Interview with Wolf Larsen
from the book Capitalism Sucks!

Question: Why do you call for full rights for immigrants?  Shouldn't people born here in the United States have more rights than immigrants?
Answer: We're all human beings.  We should all enjoy the same rights as human beings.

Q. When you call for equal rights for immigrants are you also speaking of the right to work?
A. Yes.

Q. But aren't immigrants stealing jobs away from Americans?
A. No, they're not.  The United States has always had immigration.  The United States is a country of immigrants – with the exception of the Indians the rest of us are all the descendents of immigrants.  The reason that there are less jobs is because the big corporations are exporting our jobs abroad.  So it's not the immigrants who are robbing jobs.  The problem is that the corporations are robbing American jobs by exporting our jobs abroad.  The other problem is that capitalism has always had unemployment.  The bosses want unemployment so that there will be people desperate enough to take your job if you demand higher wages or better working conditions.  In addition, capitalism has a boom and bust cycle that causes recessions which in turn cause large-scale unemployment.  Therefore, the cause of unemployment is capitalism.  The immigrants are not causing unemployment.  Hence, American workers should welcome immigrants with open arms.

Q. Welcome immigrants with open arms?  Why?
A. Let me give you an historical example.  When black workers began migrating north they were for the most part rejected by the traditional craft unions.  I'm not speaking about the industrial unions, which did not exist yet.  Many of the traditional craft unions rejected black workers.  They said that black workers were stealing jobs from white men.  The result was that quite a few blacks crossed the picket lines of white workers.  If white workers and these unions had welcomed blacks into their ranks then the labor movement in the North would have been far more united and stronger.  United both the white workers and black workers would have come out the winners.  But because they were divided against each other both the white workers and black workers came out the losers.  I say losers because the result of white and black workers being divided against each other was lower wages for both.  When industrial unions came along and united black and white workers at the workplace the result was higher wages for both.  When you don't welcome your fellow workers into your ranks and unite with them then the workers will be conquered because they're divided against each other.  If native-born Americans are divided against immigrant workers and vice-versa then the only people who will win from this are the bosses and the big corporations.  The result of native-born workers and immigrant workers being divided against each other is lower wages.  The native-born workers should fight for the rights of the immigrant workers, and that way we will all make more money.

Q. But wouldn't it be better for the American workers if the illegal immigrant workers were just deported?
A. No, it wouldn't.  As long as there are employers willing to exploit them there will be plenty of illegal immigrants.  For every illegal immigrant that's deported there will be another one coming to take his place.  There is an endless supply of misery in Third World capitalist countries.  Minimum wage in these countries are a fraction of what they are in the United States.  There's so much poverty in these countries.  People do almost anything to get out.  Trying to stop this huge mass of desperate people from coming into our country is impossible, particularly when there's so many employers who are all too happy to exploit them.  You have to look at other factors too – like corruption.  Often times the immigration officials arrive at a workplace to round up these illegal immigrants on payday – just before these people were to be paid for two weeks of labor.  So the best thing for American workers to do is to fight for full rights for these immigrant workers – so that way immigrate workers can demand fair wages and decent working conditions.  That way the American worker is not being undermined by a group of desperate people willing to work for any kind of wages under horrible working conditions.  Immigrant workers are more likely to take a militant stance for higher wages and better working conditions if they know they're not going to be deported for doing so.  One of the reasons that employers don't want illegal immigrants to get their papers is because employers want to keep on exploiting them.  The employers want the illegal immigrants to keep on coming.  Employers want to keep on exploiting the immigrant workers.  And that's why many employers don't want the immigrant workers to get their papers.

Q. Wouldn't the solution be to improve wages back in these Third World countries?  So that these workers don't come here?
A. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.  In the Third World exploitation of the worker is horrible.  In many Third World countries in Latin America minimum wage is currently about a dollar an hour.  In the United States minimum wage is currently about seven dollars an hour.  In many of these Third World countries in Latin America when you go to the supermarket you notice that many necessary items like soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, and many food items are the same as in the United States.  So the poverty is brutal.  And often times the employers of these workers have a very wealthy lifestyle.  Other times the employers of these workers are American corporations.  So it's the very nature of the capitalist system that workers of the Third World are so exploited and so poorly paid they will do anything to get to a first world country, where maybe they will live in poverty but at least it won't be quite as bad as in their home country.  Also, it seems like often when the workers in Latin America rise up to demand better wages they are mowed down by army and police bullets.  And those bullets are often made in America, they are supplied by the American government.  Our own American government is helping the governments of Latin America keep their own working people down.  Sometimes when these Latin American governments lose control of the situation and the people are in revolt the American military comes in and kills a lot of people.  So you see when the working people in these Third World countries fight for better wages they are often shot down like flies, with bullets supplied by the American government.

Q. But hasn't government repression come to an end in Latin America now that most of Latin America's governments are democratically elected?
A. Most of the Latin American governments are democratically elected, but minimum wage in these countries or most of them is still very low and poverty is still very widespread.  Regardless of whether the government is a dictatorship or democratically elected the working people go on suffering in these countries.  That is why they are desperate to immigrate to the United States or any other first world country.  Union leaders and strike leaders in these countries are still often shot in broad daylight.  If workers try to form a union they are often still fired, as they are in the United States.  And these Latin American governments are still armed usually with armaments by the American government.  And Uncle Sam is always ready to step in and invade if it looks like the workers will succeed in kicking out a bourgeois government.  I think we need to realize that the immigrants from Latin America and other parts of the world are fleeing desperate economic conditions, just like our own immigrant ancestors.  And no matter what they're going to keep on coming, especially because employers here in the United States are more than happy to exploit them.  So what we have to do is fight for the equal rights of these immigrant workers.  And what's more American workers can learn a lot from these immigrant workers.

Q. Why do you say that American workers can learn a lot from immigrant workers?
A. Many workers from Latin America come from a very militant working-class history.  These workers have had to fight very hard for what little rights they have.  Sometimes I believe that the American worker has not been militant enough lately in defending himself against union-busting and other attacks against the workers.  In addition, not that Latin America is perfect when it comes to the subject of race but compared to the United States many Latin American workers grew up in a tradition where black, white, indigenous, and mixed-race workers are all united together in a common goal of fighting together to make more money.  We all want to make more money, right?  The only way for all of us in the United States to make more money – is for the workers to all unite together across racial lines and whatnot and fight together for better wages and better working conditions.  Black workers, white workers, straight workers, gay workers, male workers, female workers, workers born in the United States and immigrant workers must all unite together in common struggle to make more money and to fight for the right of all to have jobs.  The employers and the politicians and the news media (which is owned by the employers) use the immigrant as a scapegoat for the American worker's problems.  But who was it that caused the latest economic collapse?  The big corporations!  And the big corporations have been bailed out with the tax dollars from working people.  So really, it's the big corporations and the politicians who are hurting the American worker.  The employers and the politicians and the news media want to use the immigrants as scapegoats the same way that Hitler and the Nazi party used the Jews as scapegoats for the problems in Germany during the Weimer Republic era.  The Jews had nothing to do with the problems in Germany during the Weimer Republic era.  The Jews were just scapegoats back then the same way that the immigrants are scapegoats today.  The immigrants have not caused the enormous problems that we see in the United States today.  It is the big corporations and the politicians of both parties that have caused these problems.  And it is important for white workers to remember that many of their own ancestors were immigrants.  Back when our ancestors immigrated to this country the employers and politicians and news media treated our Irish, Italian, German, and Eastern European ancestors the same way that they are treating the predominately Latino immigrants today.  When you spit on immigrants today you are spitting on your own ancestors.  When you perpetrate bigoted hysteria against today's immigrants you are perpetrating the same kind of bigoted hysteria that your own immigrant ancestors were victims of.  And if you think of that immigrant co-worker as being your enemy you are foolish.  The employer is your enemy, not the immigrant.  The employer wants to pay you as little as possible.  If you have a union the employer wants to smash your union.  If you don't have a union then the employer will do everything to stop you from getting one.  The only way that you will get better wages and better working conditions is by uniting with all the workers around you to fight for better wages and working conditions.

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