Wednesday, January 15, 2020

It Will Take a Workers Revolution to Free Gays & Lesbians!

It Will Take a Workers Revolution to Free Gays & Lesbians!
An Interview with Wolf Larsen
from the book Capitalism Sucks!

Question: Why do you say it will take a workers revolution to free gays and lesbians?
Answer:  It's obvious.  Both political parties are hostile to gays and lesbians!  Gays and lesbians are discriminated against in every aspect of life.  Even if one day the government recognizes the right of gays and lesbians to marry homosexuals will still be discriminated against in everyday life.  There needs to be a fundamental huge change!  We need to take this society and throw it in the garbage can and begin a new society so that everyone will be free – including gays and lesbians.

Q. I don't understand.  Why do you say we need to throw our society in the garbage can?
A.  The society that we live under was founded by the Puritans.  It is still a thoroughly puritanical society.  America is the most religious of all the first world countries.  Nothing more than a great big change will make it possible for gays and lesbians to be free.

Q. I disagree.  Why not reform the system to bring rights to gays and lesbians?
A.  Homosexuals have been trying to reform the system for ages!  It hasn't worked!  Gays and lesbians are still at the margins of society.  They currently don't even have the right to marry.  Even if they acquire the right to marry they will still face widespread discrimination everywhere.  We need a new government.  A government that will not tolerate discrimination against anyone – regardless of their sexual preference, race, gender, and national origin, religion or lack of, etc.  We need a government firmly committed to equality for all!  When I say equality for all I don't mean we're all going to make the same money – people will be paid according to their work – when I speak of equality I mean that everyone must have the same rights and those rights must be a reality in everyday life, not just pretty words on some piece of paper.

Q. I see.  But what about the Democratic Party?  Won't the Democrats eventually bring about gay rights?
A.  I doubt it.  The Democrats haven't even brought women's rights, let alone gay rights.  Look at the rotten record of the Democrats on women's issues.  Democrats haven't even brought equal pay for equal work, although there was a lot of talk about that some time ago, but it was just talk and no action.  Even if they passed an equal pay for equal work legislation for women the government probably wouldn't even bother enforcing it.  Women don't even have free quality child care.  And women's rights to an abortion are being slowly whittled away.  If this society can't even bring women's equality how is this society going to bring about gay equality?  In this society gays and lesbians are even more vilified than women!  So if this society can't bring about women's equality I really doubt it can bring about gay equality.  You have to throw capitalism in the garbage can.  And that's all there is to it. 

Q. You propose a workers revolution in order to throw capitalism in the garbage and build a new society.  But wasn't the Soviet Union homophobic as well?
A.  In the beginning the Soviet Union was very much for the rights of gays and lesbians.  The Soviet Union was the first country to take anti-sodomy laws off the books.  As you probably know anti-sodomy laws are used to persecute homosexuals.  Anyway, the Soviet Union took the anti-sodomy laws off the books back in 1919.  And now in the 21st century I understand that there are still some states in the USA that have anti-sodomy laws on the books.  However, the Soviet Union became homophobic under Stalin and the Stalinist bureaucracy.  Virtually all Stalinist groups are hostile to homosexuals.  However, Trotskyists, on the other hand, are completely different.  Trotskyists defend gay rights!  Leon Trotsky led the October Revolution with Lenin.  Trotskyists are the true communists.  Trotskyists defend gay rights!

Q. How would a workers government treat gays and lesbians?
A.  In a Trotskyist government gays and lesbians would have all the same rights as everyone else.  Gays and lesbians would have the right to marry.  A Trotskyist government would defend gays and lesbians against any and all forms of discrimination.  A Trotskyist government would defend homosexuals against gay bashing.  Gays would have the right to defend themselves with the second amendment against any violent bigots.  Once there were enough violent homophobic bigots under the ground than I think society would get the message.  Don't mess with gays!  Discrimination against gays in employment and housing and education and everything else would not be tolerated.  People who practice discrimination against gays and lesbians would be punished.

Q. That all sounds like a nice idea in theory but I don't expect there will be a workers revolution tomorrow morning.  What do you propose in the meantime, I mean how do you further the cause of gay equality in the meantime before this revolution? 
A.  In the meantime the gays and lesbians can forget about the Democrats!  The Democrats don't give a damn about gay rights!  What we need is a workers party.  A workers party would be a third party alternative to the Democrats and the Republicans.  A workers party would fight for the rights of human beings, as opposed to fighting for the rights of animals like the Green party.  A workers party would fight for the rights of gays!  A workers party would fight for the rights of gays to marry and adopt children.  A workers party would do whatever it could – whatever necessary – to defend gay men against these cowardly attacks from violent homophobic bigots.  A workers party would do everything it could to educate working-class Americans that it is necessary to defend all workers – including gay workers.  A workers party would fight against discrimination of gays in the workplace.  A workers party would also fight against discrimination against gays in housing and education and everything else.  It's time for gays and lesbians to forget about the Democrats.  The Democrats are no different than the Republicans.  The Democrats treat gays and lesbians like third class citizens!  We need a workers party!

For Gay Liberation! From my video on my YouTube Channel SucksCapitalism:

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