Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Woman Question

The Woman Question
An Essay by Wolf Larsen
from the book Capitalism Sucks

Women in the United States of America and all over the world are treated like second-class citizens.  There is no shortage of political correctness and feminism, but this is just a bunch of worthless window-dressing that fails to address critical issues facing working-class women.

Feminists whine about pornography and that men are not much better than dogs.  Personally, I worked in a predominately male environment for 12 years.  And I can't understand why anybody would insult dogs by comparing them to men.  But seriously, what's wrong with nudity?  What's wrong with movies showing people having sex?  Frankly, I can't think of anything more natural than nudity and sex.  The fact is is that many feminists – at least in the United States of America – are a bunch of Puritans!  They are Puritans just like those crazy religious-fanatics that came over on the Pilgrim ship and founded our neurotic country – which remains Puritanical to this day.

The fact that many of these feminists have adopted the puritanical values of religious extremists is nothing less than treason when one considers that religious extremists are hostile to women's rights.  How strange that these feminists that supposedly support the struggle for women's rights have the same puritanical anti-sexual values as the born-again Christians who stand outside abortion clinics and harass women who are exercising their right to abortion.

Even the feminist slogan of "freedom of choice" is weak.  It is imperative to launch an all-out struggle to defend the right of women to have free abortion on demand!  Poor women should have the right to an abortion too!

A struggle to defend women's right to an abortion would involve asking labor unions, workers, progressive students, women, etc. to come out and defend abortion clinics by any means necessary against these religious bigots who are trying to deny women their right to an abortion.  It is not enough that women have the right to an abortion on paper.  We must defend abortion clinics against these religious-extremist bigots.

Just as it is imperative to defend abortion clinics it is important to fight to make contraception available for free to all females of reproductive age.  In this day and age with HIV running rampant it is important that condoms be available to all for free!  Condoms must be distributed in both high schools and middle schools!  Free condom dispensing machines should be available on every street corner in every nation across the world.

Sexuality must be treated as something natural.  We must throw away all those feminist and born-again Christian puritanical values.  Once we treat sexuality as something natural we began to understand the need for distributing free condoms to everyone, the need to fight for free abortion on demand, and the need to spend more money on a cure for AIDS and less money on war.  In fact, no money should go to war.

One of the major obstacles to achieving women's liberation is illusions in the Democratic Party.  There have been lots of Democratic presidents.  The Democratic Party has done next to nothing for women.  We still don't have equal pay for equal work.  We still don't have quality free child care for working women.  We still don't have free abortion on demand.  In fact, there are more and more places in America where it is difficult for women to get an abortion because of a lack of facilities.  And if you think having a woman as President is going to change that or anything else look no further than the example of England's Margaret Thatcher to understand that female politicians are no different than male politicians.

What is needed is a workers party!  A workers party will fight for the rights of working women.  A workers party will fight for free abortion on demand, free contraceptives available to all, free quality child care for all working women, and equal pay for equal work.

Ultimately, the goal is complete equality for women.  Ultimately, the goal is women's liberation!

To achieve women's liberation we must completely change this nation that was founded by anti-sexual Puritans.  To achieve women's liberation we must live in a society where women have control of their own bodies.  For women to have control of their own bodies and their own destinies women must have full control over their own reproductive rights.  For women to have control of their own reproductive rights we must smash the puritanical forces who seek to deny women the right to an abortion.  We must struggle against puritanical forces who seek to deny women the right to free contraceptives.  All females of reproductive age must have access to free contraceptives regardless of age.  If you are old enough to get pregnant you should have the right to acquire free contraceptives.

The forces of Puritanism are the enemy of women.  Teenage girls get pregnant because they are not taught about birth control.  They are only taught abstinence.  Telling teenagers not to have sex is like telling a shark not to eat fish.  Teenagers must have the right to learn about sexuality in school, and they should have the right to free contraceptives so they won't get pregnant.

The puritanical forces that are worried that teenagers might have sex are the same right-wing forces that usually support war.  Their Christian morality says teenage sex is bad but war is okay.  This kind of "morality" is diabolical.

Let us not forget that it was the Puritans that founded this nation.  In order to end the Puritan rule that keeps women down we need fundamental change – we need something besides the same old Democrats and Republicans – we need a workers party that will fight for women's liberation and women's equality and women's rights!

The Fight for Gender Equality & Women's Liberation!
From Sucks Capitalism on YouTube:

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