Friday, December 27, 2019

The Democratic Party Is Just As Rotten As the Republican Party!

The Democratic Party Is Just As Rotten As the Republican Party!
An Essay by Wolf Larsen
from the book Capitalism Sucks

The Democratic Party is the enemy of working people.  The Democratic Party represents the liberal wing of the rich.  Hence, the Democrats are just as anti-union and anti-worker as the Republican Party.  Democratic politicians support strikebreaking legislation just like the Republicans.  Democratic politicians talk peace but they make war.  Democrats pretend to be the friends of working people – but the Democrats are liars.

The Democrats escalated the war in Vietnam, initiated the blockade to starve Cuba, and brought the world to the brink of a nuclear war during the Cuban missile crisis.  It was the Democrats that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  The Democrats are a party of war, just like the Republicans.

Many liberals and conservatives alike will tell you that it was "necessary" to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Nonsense!  Japan was already finished as a military power prior to the nuclear holocaust of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Many liberals and conservatives alike argue that it would have cost many American lives to invade the Japanese islands prior to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Invade the Japanese islands?  What for?  If the purpose of the war was to stop Japanese aggression rather than make aggression against Japan then why invade the Japanese islands?  Japan had already been reduced to rubble by American bombing campaigns, and Japan had already been kicked out of one country after another by the Allied troops.  Perhaps America had its own aggressive agenda on Japan.  Or perhaps the Democrat Harry Truman dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as an experiment – a war experiment – an experiment to see how many people their new war toy would kill!  In addition, the Democrat President Harry Truman wanted to send a message to the world: we're the new superpower, obey us or else!

So the fact is the Democrats, who dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, are war criminals just like the Republicans.  It was the Democrats who escalated the war in Vietnam.  Many many Vietnamese died during the Vietnam War.  What the American war machine and the Democrats did to the people of Vietnam is nothing less than a huge war crime!  Dropping bombs from the air, dropping napalm on the people, burning down villages, killing innocent civilians, and making Vietnam's South little more than an American colony are just some of the crimes that the Democrats presided over in Vietnam.

Consider the history of the Democratic Party.  Prior to, during, and after the Civil War the Democrats campaigned as "the white man's party".  The Democrats were an unabashedly racist party from the very beginning!  The Democrats opposed the North making civil war against the South.  The Democrats wanted to let the South succeed from the Union.  If the Democrats had had their way black people would not be living in the United States of America – if the Democrats had had their way black people would be living in the Confederate States of America!

In addition, or rather to add insult to injury, the Democrats opposed the Emancipation Proclamation.  If the Democrats had their way black people would never have been set free from chattel slavery!  The Democrats opposed Reconstruction.  It was during Reconstruction that black people made the greatest progress that they had ever made in American history.  It was the Democrats – along with the help of some moderate Republicans – who ended Reconstruction.  Thus the Democrats are directly responsible for the fact that black people continue to experience brutal racist oppression to this day!  How black nationalists can argue that the Democrats are more for black people is beyond me!  Other black nationalists like Malcolm X argued, "When you vote Democrat you vote Dixiecrat!"  Unlike most black nationalists Malcolm X was actually militant.  I disagree with many things that Malcolm X said but when he talked about politicians he was often right on the money!  And when Malcolm X talked about black politicians he referred to them as Uncle Toms, collaborators in a racist system, and lots of other worse things.  Malcolm X hated politicians both black and white of both parties.  If Malcolm X were alive today and if he still had the same politics he would denounce Barack Obama as a collaborator of the racist system that keeps black people down.

The Democrats pretend to be the friends of workers – both black and white.   The Democrats have done nothing for workers.  In fact the Democrats support strikebreaking legislation just like the Republicans.  If you go on strike and your strike is having great success don't be surprised if a Democratic politician calls out the National Guard to smash your picket line and escort the scabs in.

There is one difference between the Republicans and the Democrats.  The Democrats love to patronize working-class people in America.  The Democrats like to come down to your job, put on a hardhat, and say some pretty words to the press about working people.  But they just say all that to get elected!  And after they get elected they pretty much do the same as the Republicans.

Democrats say pretty words about women's rights, but they never actually deliver women's rights.  All the Democrats care about is getting women's votes.  I remember when I was young – very young.  I was in junior high and just entering puberty.  The Democrats and the feminists were talking all this blah blah blah about equal pay for equal work.  I'm now a balding middle-aged man and guess what – we still don't have equal pay for equal work!  So many Democrat administrations have come and gone, so many Democrat controlled congresses have come and gone, and still no equal pay for equal work.

The struggle for women's liberation and women's rights begins with rejecting both the Democratic and Republican parties.  We need a third party!  We need a workers party that will fight for the rights of working women!  We need a workers party that will fight for equal pay for equal work, we need a workers party that will fight for free abortion on demand, we need a workers party that will fight for free quality child care for all working women, we need a workers party that will fight to restore welfare for poor women and their children, we need a workers party that will fight for free contraception for all females of reproductive age.  In order to have women's equality and liberation we need a workers party!  A workers party will also fight for gay rights, as well as equality for blacks and immigrants as well.  A workers party will fight for all workers of all skin colors.

Get the book Capitalism Sucks!

Wolf Larsen on 
Racist Democratic Party
from his YouTube Channel

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